Glowing Pickle

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WARNING: The voltage used in this demonstration is potentially lethal! Perform this demonstration with extreme caution!

Equipment: A pickle, a plate, two forks, a power cord with two alligator clips and a variac.

What it does: The variac is connected to the pickle and a large voltage is applied. The pickle begins to sizzle and steam. After a short time, the pickle glows.

Concepts Demonstrated: Atomic excitation and emission.

Classroom assembly:

  1. Place a pickle on the plate.
  2. Insert a fork into each end of the pickle.
  3. Attach the alligator clips to each fork.
  4. Plug the power cord with alligator clips into the variac.
  5. Plug in the variac.
  6. Turn on the variac.
  7. Increase the variac voltage to about 120 V.
  8. Hold your microphone near the pickle (taking extreme care not to touch it!) to demonstrate that the pickle is sizzling.
  9. Wait for the pickle to glow. Let it glow for a few moments before turning off the variac.



WARNING: The voltage used in this demonstration is potentially lethal! Do not touch the pickle when it it connected to the variac.

Setup Time: Short.

Difficulty: Straightforward.

Visibility: Medium. The light from the pickle can be seen in large lecture halls but not the details of the setup. A video camera is often used in large lecture halls.

Related demonstrations: Cooking a hotdog.


Original Construction: The plug with alligator clips was made from a standard 2' long power cord. Each lead of the cord was soldered to an alligator clip. All other equipment was purchased.

Disclaimer: All demonstrations are posted for the convenience and benefit of faculty and staff in the Department of Physics at Simon Fraser University and are not intended for outside use. The author(s) assume no responsibility or liability for the use of information contained on this site. Warnings and precautionary measures listed on this site assume normal operation of equipment and are not inclusive. Demonstrations may pose a significant hazard and can, in some instances, result in death; reasonable safety precautions must be taken. Demonstrations should be performed by qualified individuals only.

Prepared by Jeff Rudd, 1999
Revised by Laura Schmidt, May 2007

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