The Mechanical Universe 50
Particles and Waves |
Evidence that light can sometimes act like a particle leads to quantum mechanics, the new physics.
Ch Frame Code Title
1 A Opening Sequence
2 02400 G Bold Ideas Leading To Structure Of The Atom
3 03360 E Why A Bulb's Brightness Depends On Voltage
4 04005 V Glowing Bodies And Filaments
5 05022 H Portrait Of Planck
6 05907 H Maxwell At His Desk
7 06552 V A Coal Furnace
8 07330 V A Light Bulb
9 08172 H Portrait Of Planck
10 08901 A Instantaneous Speed
11 09661 H Planck's Constant
12 10281 V A Home At Night
13* 10826 E The Photoelectric Effect
14 12251 H Portrait Of Einstein
15 12730 A Electrons In A Metal; The Work Function
16 14125 H Millikan's Lab
17 14945 E The Photoelectric Effect
18 15660 H Portrait Of Young
19 16300 H Portrait Of De Broglie
20 17129 A Particle And Wave Theories
21 19289 H Portrait Of De Broglie
22 20234 A Bohr's Atomic Model
23 22014 H Portrait Of De Broglie
24 22929 H Portrait Of Schroedinger
25 23399 A Wave Particle Duality
26 25839 H Schroedinger's Book On Wave Mechanics
27 26394 E Wave Interference With Light
28* 26754 A Wave Interference (2slits-"ripple tank" and photon)
29 28729 H Portrait Of Born
30 29304 H Portrait Of Heisenberg
31 30239 A Waves' Momentum, Position And Uncertainty
32 32034 H Portrait Of Heisenberg
33 32464 V Light Bulb
34 33201 A Wave-Particle Duality
35 34584 H Portrait Of Heisenberg
36 35379 H Portrait Of Planck
37 35972 H Portrait Of Einstein
38 36389 V CalTech Campus
39 37269 G Particles And Waves; Crossed Polaroids
49300 credits
Disclaimer: All demonstrations are posted for the convenience and benefit of faculty and staff in the Department of Physics at Simon Fraser University and are not intended for outside use. The author(s) assume no responsibility or liability for the use of information contained on this site. Warnings and precautionary measures listed on this site assume normal operation of equipment and are not inclusive. Demonstrations may pose a significant hazard and can, in some instances, result in death; reasonable safety precautions must be taken. Demonstrations should be performed by qualified individuals only.
Prepared by Jeff Rudd, 1999
Revised by Laura Schmidt, 2007