Robert Richardson's Public Lecture
Absolute Zero Temperature: A World Without Disorder |
Prof Robert Richardson's Public Lecture - Absolute Zero Temperature: A World without Disorder
45 minutes. Taped at Cornell. I'm guessing sometime in the late 60s or early 70s. Could date by references to work in progress in Japan on maglev trains and record low temp. Pretty good but probably not useful in a lecture setting. The liquid helium demos are terrific.
helium filled balloon - heat with a hair dryer till it pops
molecular motion model - ping pong balls shadow projected
discussion of temperature scales, 1702 data for P vs T, extrapolated to absolute zero, liquefaction of gases
liquid nitrogen demos - smash a skinned tennis ball, pre frozen banana, pump on liquid nitrogen (beautiful)
6 by 6 array of small magnets on the overhead, 'heat' by waving a magnet around
discussion of superconductivity, liquid helium
force between two current carrying wires
transfer liquid helium into a double walled clear glass dewar, done live !!!! (Also Sprach Zarathustra playing in the background during the transfer)
levitate a piece of lead above a coil in liquid helium
pump on liquid helium, show a clip from Leitner's film on superfluidity
discussion of maglev trains, record low temperature (0.0003K), entropy
drink liquid nitrogen (finale)
Disclaimer: All demonstrations are posted for the convenience and benefit of faculty and staff in the Department of Physics at Simon Fraser University and are not intended for outside use. The author(s) assume no responsibility or liability for the use of information contained on this site. Warnings and precautionary measures listed on this site assume normal operation of equipment and are not inclusive. Demonstrations may pose a significant hazard and can, in some instances, result in death; reasonable safety precautions must be taken. Demonstrations should be performed by qualified individuals only.
Prepared by Jeff Rudd, 1999
Revised by Laura Schmidt, 2007