
Philosophy News Update April 2019

April 15, 2019

Department news from the end of the spring term.

MA Defenses 

The following grad student MA defenses took place in early April.
• Dylan Flint: God Can Do Otherwise: A Defense of Act Contingency in Leibniz’s Theodicy
• Damien Chen: Cultural Diversity and the Demands of Non-Domination: An Internal Challenge to Phillip Pettit's Neo-Roman Republicanism
• Dogan Erisen: Externalism in Philosophy of Perception and Argument(s) from Dreaming


Congratulations to MA grad student Damien Chen, who teamed up with four public health students in February to compete in the Student Evaluation Case Competition organized by the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) . The team, Bridge2Action, coached by Dr Beth Snow, has just found out that it has made it to the final round of the competition. Representing SFU, they placed top three out of fourteen teams and will be competing in the final round at the annual CES conference later in May in Halifax.

Image from BPK

Conferences and Speaking Engagements

Dr. Holly Andersen gave the keynote for the Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology Annual Research Day at SFU in April. April 5. Her talk was entitled "Using Mechanisms and Causation".  

Image from Branwen Stroll


Robert Long (NYU Philosophy) visited Chelsea Rosenthal’s Law and Philosophy class earlier this month to discuss his paper, "Fairness in machine learning: against false positive rate equality".  

Teams from five Vancouver-area high schools took part in BC’s first Ethics Bowl. Organized by Nic Fillion, the team members discussed the ethical issues in various cases, including post-human tech and the inclusion of victim impact statements in criminal proceedings. Sands Secondary (Delta) won, with Ideal Mini School (Vancouver) coming in second place. Both teams advance to the finals in Winnipeg next week. 

PSU News

The Philosophy Student Union presented an evening workshop, Philosophy Works, on leveraging your philosophy knowledge into the world of work. FASS coordinators, Brian Fox (Student Engagement) and Tyler Schwartz (Co-op) showed how valuable a philosophy degree can be. Outgoing PSU president, Milad Doust confirmed this with an update on his current co-op placement.

Upcoming Conferences

• MA grad student, Mojgan Jafari has been accepted to present at Salish Sea Aesthetics Workshop in May.
Holly Andersen is organizing the Greater Cascadia History and Philosophy of Science workshop on May 17th. She’s also involved in a behind the scenes tour of the jellyfish area at the Vancouver Aquarium on the day before. 



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