Vancouver Fan Trip June 2011

British Columbia, Canada

16 AU 1948 — Operating


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V-60-logo  bce logo  

Decal commemorating 60 years of trolleybus service in Vancouver, BC Electric logo which appeared on all buses until BCHydro took over the system, Translink logo.

BCE logo submitted by Peter McLaughlin from the collection of Peter Cox.


V-2040-2 Brill 2040 on the Granville Mall, which reopened recently. This is the first time that 2040 has been on the mall in about five years. Photo by Richard C. DeArmond. 19 JUN 2011.

Van-2040-Fan-2011 Another shot Brill 2040 on the Granville Mall. Photo by Richard C. DeArmond. 19 JUN 2011.

V-Fan-11-4 2040 on Nanaimo St. near E. 20th Ave. The southbands lanes were closed for some tility work. The crew remved the organge barrier to let the trolley through. Auto traffic had to use to eastern most langes. Photo by Richard C. DeArmond. 19 JUN 2011.

V2040-24loop 2040 At the old terminus of toute 24 Nanaimo. Though no longer in revenue service, garage-bound trolleys from the 7 Nanaimo pass through evey day. Our retired fearless driver is to the left of the 2040. Photo by Richard C. DeArmond. 19 JUN 2011.

V-fan-ubc 2040 in the layover zone for route 9 trolleys at UBC. Photo by Richard C. DeArmond. 19 JUN 2011.

6V-2940-21 2186 is passing 2040 at the above location. Out fearless retired driver is facing 2186. Photo by Richard C. DeArmond. 19 JUN 2011.

Van-fan-11-2283 2283 is leading the Brill turning from Angus Dr. into W.64th ave. Photo by Richard C. DeArmond. 19 JUN 2011.


This page last updated 24 JUN 2011
