Beijing Photos 1


BJ1 Articulated Trolleybus. Model and location unkown. Photo by Allen Zagel.

B2J Two articulated trolleybuses passing on a Beijing sstreet. 11 DE 1997. Models and location unknown. Photo byAllen Zagel.

Trolley on route 104 on Wangfujing St., a pedestrianized street. Here, there is no trolleywire; the trolleys operate on battery power. DE 2000. Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

BJ repole Trolley on route 104 on Wangfujing St. repoling. DE 2000. Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

BJ repole Trolley on route 104 on Wangfujing St. depoling. DE 2000. Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

BJ spectator Spectator watching trolley on route 104 repole. DE 2000. Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

Great Wall The Great Wall of China. Are they going to build a trolleybus line here? :-). Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

3 104 Three trolleys in a row on route 104. Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

artic A Beijing articulated trolleybus, probably a ZIU--note the ladder on the back, typical of Russian trolleys. Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

switch  A switch in the Beijing system. Photo by Ed Filiatrault.

switch  A close-up view of the trolleybase on a Beijing trolleybus. Photo be Ed Filiatrault.

Beijing Photos 2

Beijing Photos 3

This page last updated 26 AP 2003