Trolleybus Route and Overhead Maps

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submitted by Ken Josephson


Adelaide OH Map (drawn by Chris Steel submitted by Ric Francis)

Arnhem Route Map (pre--2000) (drawn by Lennart Bolks)

Arnhem Route Map (post--2000) (drawn by Lennart Bolks)

Arnhem Overhead Map (drawn by Lennart Bolks)

Arnhem Route Map III (drawn by Lennart Bolks)

Athens and Piraeus route maps

BART maps I

BART maps II

BART maps III (San Mateo county extension)

Basel Schematic Map (small)

Basel Schematic Map (large)

Basel Overhead Wiring Map

Boston Route Maps

Boston Rail Route Maps

Boston Silverline Maps

Brisbane OH and Track Map

Brisbane Downtown OH and Track Map

Brooklyn Route Map

Chelyabinsk Route Map

C^eské Budje^jovice Route Map

Charlotte Current Streetcar Map

Chongqing Route Map

Cincinnati Route Maps

Cleveland Euclid Corridor Map I

Cleveland Euclid Corridor Map II

Cleveland Route Maps

Columbus Route Maps

Dayton Maps

Des Moines Route Map (drawn by Paul Opferkuch)

Detroit Route Map

Dublin LRT Route Map

Eberswalde Map

Edmonton Downtown OH Map

Edmonton Overhead Map

Edmonton Circuit Map

Flint Route Map

Fort Wayne Route Map

Fribourg Route Map

Gatchina Route Map

Grevenbrück Route Map

Guangzhou Route Map

Hamilton OH map

Hangzhou Route Map I

Hangzhou Route Map II

Hobart OH Map (drawn by Chris Steel submitted by Ric Francis)

Houston Map

Indianapolis Route Maps

Innsbruck Map

Innsbruck System Map (I)

Innsbruck System Map (2)

Innsbruck Schematic Map

Kapfenburg Route Maps

Kaunas, Lithuania schematic Trolleybus Map

Kenosha Trolleybus Route Map

Kiev Route Map

Khmel'nits'kyi Schematic Route Map

Kostroma Route Map I

Kostroma Route Map II

Krasnodar Route Map (Blue = trolleybus, red = streetcar)

Leningrad Route Maps (St. Petersburg)

Launceston OH Maps

Linz Trolley Bus and Street Car Route Map pre-2001

Linz Trolley Bus and Street Car Route Map 2002

Long Beach Projected Overhead Map

Loop Oriented Transit-Mall Intermodal (Portland)

LosAngeles Projected Map

Lublin Bus and ETB Map

Lyon Route Map

Mehva 99 Fantrip Map

Mexico City OH Maps

Milan Trolleybus Route Map

Milan Subway Map

Milwaukee OH Map (drawn by Wayne Hom)

Minneapolis Maps

Montevideo Route Map

New Plymouth Map

Nizhnyj Novgorod Transit Map (includes electric trolleybus lines)

Pardubice OH Map

Parma Route Map

Peoria Route Map

Perth OH Map

Philadelphia Route Map (courtesy John Bell)

Quito.Route Map (1)

Quito.Route Map (2)

Rangoon OH Map

Recife ETB Map

Ribeirão Preto Overhead Map

Riga schematic Trolleybus and Streetcar Map

Salzburg Electric Trolleybus Maps (1)

Salzburg Electric Trolleybus Maps (2)

Salzburg Electric Trolleybus Maps (3)

Saõ Paulo Route Maps

Sacramento Light Rail Map Downtown

San Francisco Maps

Seattle Maps and Schedules

Shanghai Maps I

Shanghai Maps II

Sollingen Route Map

St. Gallen Route Map

Sydney OH Maps

Tallinn ETB Maps

Vancouver, B.C. Overhead and route Maps

Wellington OH Map 1

Wellington OH Map 2

Wellington OH Map 3

Winterthur Route Map

Xmel'nit'skyj Schematic Map

Kenosha PCC Map

Miami Metro Rail Map with proposed Extensions

Transit Maps of World Systems (URL site)

Transit Maps II

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This site last modified on 30 JA 2005