Shanghai Photos 6


173 Model SK562GP, serial number 080 on route 21 at the downtown terminus of Jing'an Temple. Photo by Zachary Jiang. FE 2002.

176 Model SK562GP, serial number 080 on route 21 at Liang-cheng road. Photo by Zachary Jiang. FE 2002.

131 Seen in this photo, many off duty trolleys were parked at the outbound (suburban) terminus of route 28 at Zhong-yuan, which is located in the far north-eastern part of the city. Because of the space limitation in the garages where trolleys were dispatched, many of them have to be parked on street overnight and during off duty periods, or at their transit terminus of the corresponding routes that they were being assigned on. Bus theft although not very common in Shanghai, was not unheard of, therefore parking priorities in the garage were given to motor buses, since trolleys posed almost no risk of being stolen. FE 2002. Photo by Zachary Jiang.

pepsi Shanghai trolley-bus model SK5105GP-1998 on route 24 wrapped as a Pepsi-Cola commercial. Submitted by Zachary Jiang.

pepsi Shanghai trolley-bus overhead going through bicycle shed. This was one of the entrances t a trolleybus garage, before the entransca was closed and converted into a shed. For some reason, the electric trolleybus eitr still remains in situ. Submitted by Zachary Jiang.

pepsi Shanghai trolleybus sign (route 24) on bus stop sign. Submitted by Zachary Jiang.

4000 Shanghai Coach model SK-4000 in Shanghai. This model has been completely withdrawn in Shanghai. Sumbitted by Zheng Han.

3000-1 Shanghai Coach model SK-3000 in Shanghai. Sumbitted by Zheng Han.

2000 Shanghai Coach model SK-2000 in Shanghai. Sumbitted by Zheng Han.

4500 Shanghai Coach model SK-4500 in Shanghai. Sumbitted by Zheng Han.

3000(2) Shanghai Coach model SK-3000 with trailer in Shanghai. Sumbitted by Zheng Han.

Shanghai Photos 1

Shanghai Photos 2

Shanghai Photos 3

Shanghai Photos 4

Shanghai Photos 5

Shanghai Photos 7

This page last updated 13 JL 2002