All photos and commentary by Ray Piesciuk except for the last one.
The Last Flyer, 937, in Dayton leaving the garage, August 9th, 1999.
Picking up passengers for the "first" last ride.
Thankfully, every trip did not follow the exact same route. With the exception of most of the switches downtown, all of the power switches have been replaced by transmitted signal switches (initiated by the Skoda's turn signal). Occasionally we came to one of these switches. Since the Flyers are not equipped with the transmitter, the poles had to be moved to the other wires manually. Jerry Saunders from IRM did the honors each time.
We were lucky enough to have a Shkoda come up along side and pass the Flyer.
The coach departs on the "official" last trip at about noon.
The crowd trickled on at the beginning, and off at the end of the "official" last trip. This shot shows the end. I wish they could have all gathered to give an idea of how many people there were. I would guess 35 to 40 invited guests on that trip.
A shot showing the back end of the last coach.
From the Dayton Daily News. Submitted by RTM.
New switches installed at the Fauver Loop on Wayne St. New wires proceeds down Wayne St. past the switches. Submitted by RTM. 7 JN 2000.
Marmon Herrington 538. Photographe: R. Hill. Taken in the 60's?
Unknown Marmon Herrington as seen through another trolleybus. Photographe: R. Hill. Taken in the 60's?
This page last updated 22 JN 2000.