Hangzhou Trolleybus Routes


 Route  Destinations Opened Notes
 151 Hangzhou Railway Station -- Gong-bei (Wulin Gate)  19--  Formerly terminated at Gongchenqiao to improve transit service to a new residential community. The former terminus has been abandonned but no word on whether the overhead remains in situ.
 152  Xiongzhenlou -- Gudang  19--  
 155  Gulou -- Hangzhou North Long Distance Bus Station  19--  
 156/K156  Hangzhou Railway Station -- Tsuiyuan 4th District  19--  
 159  Wulinmen -- Wenyuan  19--  
 160  Santang -- Gudang    Under construction.
 199  Jiang Tsun -- ??    Proposed for a trolley route.
 290  Wenyuan -- Xiongzhenlou  24 FE 2003  Peak hour service, follows routes 152, 156,and 159. A stretch of wires on route 152 has been removed for road construction, causing route 152 to be rerouted. Route 290 uses this stretch using battery power. Only 4 runs in the morning from Wenyuan, and three trips from Xiongzhenlou, and four runs in the afternoon from Xiongzhenlou.
 K555   Hangzhou Railway Station -- Hangzhou North Long Distance Bus Station  19--  Temporarily cut back Kaiyuan due to road construction. Totally air-conditioned route.

The page last updated 8 MR 03