Shakhty Photos


30 SE 1975 -- OC 2007


SH-10 ZIU-VMZ-100 16 on route 16 and ZIU-VMZ-100 25 passing each other. Photo by Yuriy Moller. 11 SE 2003.

Sh-30 ZiU-682G 30T on route 1 is about to cross a streetcar (tram) line. Photo by Aare Olander. 12 SE 2003.6

Sh-49 ZiU-VMZ-100 43 on route 3. 11 OC 2007. Photo by Gennadiy Ivanov. This could be the last photo of a Shakhty trolleybus.

The last tramway line was closed 7 DE 2001.


Route Map ofthe Shakhty trolleybus and streetcar (tram) lines 1991 - 1992.

Courtesy of Shakjty Trams and Trolleybuses . Go this site for more photos and more information.



This page last modified 13 MR 08
