Seattle New Streetcar Photos

12 DE 2007 -- Operating


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Sea-stcr-1 Traction pole and bracket arm for the streetcar overhead.The bracket arm will be turned 90 degrees for installation. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-nearstn Rail installation on the spur that connects the northbound streetcar rails on E. Harrison St. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-strc-install The mechanism used to string trolley wire for the new streetcar line. Westlake Ave. N. and Republican St. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-stcr-wireX The new streetcar overhead wires at the south terminal just west of Olive Way on Westlake Ave. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-towert A tower truck installing new traffic lights at Westlake Ave N. and Mercer St. Westlake Ave. is being reconverted to a two-way street in preparation for the new streetcar system. Two way traffic started on 8 SE 07. The streetcar will run in both directions on Westlake up to Thomas St. The streetcar line turns right on Thomas St. and then north on Terry Ave. N. Bracket arms are visible behind the tower truck and further north on Westlake Ave N. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-etbX The southbound streetcar trolley wire crosses over the trolley wires for route 70 at Westlake Ave and Stewart St. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-strc-TerryMercer The tracks proceed north on Terry Ave. N. in the left lane. At Mercer St.the tracks curve to the centre of the street going up to Valley St. where the outbound tracks will join the inbound tracks on a separate right-of-way turning east. At Fairview Ave. N. the tracks move over to the centre of Fairview Ave N. going northeast to the terminus. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

Sea-strc-terry The north bound tracks on Terry Ave N. at Republican St. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-strc-rails Tracks suspended on bricks plus an unknown object on Henderson St. just east of Terry St. They are waiting for ties and other items for permanent placement. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-strc-termin Tracks coming together at the southern terminus of the streetcar line at 5th Ave. and Olive Way. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-strcr-OH-X The overhead at the southern terminus showing the switch. Final work is not in place at this time. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-strc-trackmach A track laying machine on the terminus spur on Henderson at Terry Ave. N. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

Sea-strc-curve The tracks curve from Henderson St. to Terry Ave. N. Henderson at Terry Ave N. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-switchHarTer The switch for the terminus spur on Terry Ave. N and Harrison St. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-switch-2 The terminus switch seen from Henderson St. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-stcr-oldtracks Adjacent to the new streetcar tracks on Terry Ave. N. are the old railroad tracks leading to various industries and warehouses that are now long gone. I don't know how long the tracks have been idle. Presumably the railroad tracks will be removed as the area gentrifies. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-stcr-ptguy Close up view of power-lineman in his bucket. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-stcr-OH-W The streetcar overhead is up on both sides of Westlake near the downtown terminus, but the northbound wire is not visible except in a few spots. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.

S-redN The special work where the streetcar crosses the trolleys wires for route 70 at N. Fairview and Mercer St. Photo by Peter Shallit. 23 DE 2007.

S-strcr-Ter-Val The tracks curve from Terry Ave. N. to prw north of Valley St. Photo by R. C. DeArmond. 7 SE 2007.


Sea-orange Seattle's new street line went into service yesterday at 12:15 p.m. The streetcar photo here is of the Orange car. There are three streetcars: Orange, Red and Purple. The line is 1.3 miles long and cost $52 million. The streetcar operates from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday to Thursday, until 11 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays and from 10 a.m., and from 10 a.m. on Sundays. The street car crosses trolley route 70 at Stewart and Westlake, Virginia and Westlake, Harrison and Fairview (the spur to the garage), N. Fairview Ave. and Valley St. Photographer unknown. 12 DE 2007. Courtesy of the Seattle Times.

Sea-red-orange The red and purple streetcars passing each other on the private right-of-way section just north of Valley St. at the Union Park station. Photo by Drew Robinson. 12 DE 2007.

S-stcr-red2 The red car at what I believe to be the last stop on the north end of the line. Note the trolleybus wires for route 70. Photo by Peter Shallit. 23 DE 2007.

Streetcar Video 1 (short ride)

Streetcar Video 2 (inauguration)


Seattle Downtown Map

Peter Shalit's blog on the streetcar


This page last updated 27 DE 2007
