San Francisco Streetcar Photos

6 OC 1935 to 1944 (Market St. Railway)

7 SE 1941 to Present (Muni)


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BC1 MuniLogoBirdcage2


SF-87 Ironhorse 87 inbound on Geary St. at Van Ness St. The trolleywires on Van Ness are for route 47 which is now route 49. In the back ground is St. Mary's Cathedral. It burned down in SE 1962. Right on the corner is another landmark, Tommy's Joint, a famous cafe. It still exists. Photographer unknown. Pre-1958, the year that the B and C lines came to a tragic end. From, the collection of Clark Frazier.

SF-1016 New 'baby' PCC 1016 at the Ferry Terminal on a fan trip. Note the relatively new Marmon-Herrington and the birdcage signal on the right. The trolley in front of the Ferry Building is probably a Marmon. Photo by Walter Rice. NO 1951.

SF-1050 PCC 1050 in San Francisco colours and newly painted green Milan car 1818 on Market St. at Church St. Trolleybus route 22 Fillmore crosses Market St. at this location. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 13 NO 2007.

SF-N-6 Jewitt 142 on the right is heading east on route 6. Jewitt 156 is on route N and has just exited the Sunset Tunnel. Both these cars were former Market St. Railroad cars when Muni acquired MSR in 1944.

'Some interesting things about this image. First, 156's appearance is prior to its conversion to a B-Type with rear doors, making it one of the longer-lived Bs on Muni's roster. Note that there is no dash sign on 156. Second, the dash of the other Jewett, 142, is repainted so that Muni could avoid paying White Front royalties.

'Finally, note that the Muni car had to make a full safety stop to let the other car pass, otherwise the Eclipse fender would strike the inbound car. Today, there are locations throughout the Muni system where such safety stops are still required, although the vehicles involved are Bredas.

'The 6-Line's cars took 8-9 minutes longer to reach Market Street than the N-Line trolleys which used the tunnel. I'm wondering how many times 6-Line motormen "accidentally" went through the tunnel "to make up time"', by Peter Ehrlich. Route 6 was soon to be abandonned and in 1949 it was converted to trolleybus line 6 Masonic. The route name was changed to 6 Parnassus in 1983.

last ironmonster destinantion plate The destination plate on an unknown car, the last Ironmonster. Photographer unknown. 9 MY 1958.

SF-130 Ironmonster 130 resting at the terminus of the J Line at 30th St. and Church St. Today Breda LRVs pass through here. Photographer and date unknown.

251 Ex MSR 251 just completed turning from Presidio St. to California where it is going westward to its terminus. Photographer unknown. A California cable car is waiting at its western terminus before heading back to Market St. The cable line was cut back to Van Ness around 1954.

SF-las-Ironmonster The last Ironmonster (2-man car) to run in revenue service in San Francisco. The was It was on the L at the East Bay Terminal. line, run 30. Photographer unknown -- an official picture from the San Francisco Examiner. 9 MY 1958.

SF-2-tracks Market St. in San Francisco between the earthquake and the 4-tracking of Market St. Post St. leads off to the right. Photographer unknown. circa 1906 - 1913.

SF-flood MSR Streetcar 1569 is traversing some flood water at Market and Church on the 8 Castro line. Photographer unknown. 1931.

SF-130 Muni 130 derailed on the B line on Market St. Details are not known. Photographer unknown. Circa late 30s.

SF-1128 1047/8 St. Louis PCC 1128 on the K Ingleside line outbound at West Portal and Vicente Sts. Photo by David Pirmann (?) .19 FE 1967. From the collection of David Pirmann.

SF-1056 1946 St. Louis PCC 1056 (ex-SEPTA) on the L line at Wawona St. and 46th Ave. I believe the colour scheme is that of Newark, NJ. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. 1995.

SF-1029 Baby 10 PCC 1029 at 33 Ave. and Anza St. in SF. Baby 10s were used occasionally on the B line on Saturdays. Photo by Wilbur Whittaker. 1952. From the collecton of Dick Kotulak.

SF-160 SF 162 at Steuart St. Near the Ferry Terminal. 162 is one of the original ironmonsters. Photo by Connor Hochleutner. 10 MR 2008.

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This page last updated 12 MR 2008
