Exercises - L322.5

Intermediate Syntax

Exercise 5



* Draw by hand using a straight edge (ruler) for the tree diagrams, the phrase structure for the following phrases including spell-out: (don't forget null forms, links, and every operator). Account for your derivations in the first example, That is account for each step of your derivation in writing:

Draw a phrase structure for the following four phrases You may use the short form of the NP but you must include Case). The short form means you do not have to include the features and linking:

Why are the following ungrammatical:

  • *both the several oxen
  • *every rice (tastes good)


    See The Lexicon (You may skip theta roles, semantics, subcategorization, selectional restrictions). Hint: assume the default stem is found in the plural and make use of a stem extender.



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