Welcome to IAT-888 (temporary numbering) Web page. This course is devoted to the study of the theory and practice of metacreation, that is the design of generative and pro-active
computer softwares endowed with creative behaviour.
Tools and techniques from artificial intelligence, artificial life and machine learning will be introduced and
exemplified through the study of previous artistic/fdesign works using them. The course will be organized so that making
a project by exploring metacreation in your area of research becomes the primary focus. The interweaving of
related theoretical and practical issues will help you situate your work within a larger perspective on art, science
and technology.
This (admittedly minimal) site is structured as follow:
The content page provides access to the course material.
The project page briefly presents 2008 and 2009 students projects.
The link page (in construction) lists some of the relevant web links.
Finally, here is the syllabus of the course for spring 2009. (PDF, 28Ko)