Laura Arbour, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FCCMG 

Professor, UBC Department of Medical Genetics 
Affiliate Professor, University of Victoria 
Clinical Geneticist, Island Health

Dr. Laura Arbour is a Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of British Columbia situated at the Island Medical Program in Victoria, BC and is a Clinical Geneticist at Island Health. Her clinical practice and research focuses on northern and Indigenous health issues as they pertain to genetics. Trained as both pediatrician and clinical geneticist, her research integrates maternal child health issues and the understanding of the genetic component of Indigenous health of all ages. Dr. Arbour led or co-led several workshops held in Canada to explore ethically acceptable ways to carry out genetic research in Aboriginal populations. The concepts were adopted for the CIHR Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples, which informed the revised national Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2 Chapter 9). This work was highlighted in Nature, Science and Cell as well as the American Society of Human Genetics 2010 Presidential address. She is currently the project lead on a Genome Canada/CIHR funded grant, with co-leads Drs. Nadine Caron and Wyeth Wasserman (of UBC) “Silent Genomes: Reducing health-care disparities and improving diagnostic success for Indigenous children with genetic disease” which aims to address the challenges of equitable access to genetic/genomic diagnosis and care for Canadian Indigenous populations.