Archie Comics Survey

Instructions: Please answer the following questions related to comics-reading. Once you have completed the survey, click the submit button at the end of the survey. Thank You!

1. Have you ever read comics?


If your answer is no, please go to the end of the survey and click on the submit button.

2. At what age did you first start reading comics?

Five years and below
Between 6 to 10 years old
Between 11 to 15 years old
Between 16 to 25 years old
Between 26 to 35 years old
36 years and onwards

3. At the time when you read the most comics, appoximately how much time did you spend on reading comics?

 0-2 hours a week
More than 2 hours but less than 5 hours a week
More than 5 hours but less than 10 hours a week
More than 10 hours but less than 20 hours a week
More than 20 hours a week

4. Do you still read comics?


5. In your comics-reading selection, on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the least frequent and 5 being the most frequent, rate the following genres (types) of comics.

Alternative comics
Superhero comics
Science fiction
Action comics
Horror comics
Children comics (Eg. Disney Donald Duck etc)
Vertigo titles
Romance comics
Comic strips (Eg. Garfield, Blondie etc)

6. Please list three of your favourite comic titles:

7. Do you enjoy reading newspaper comic strips?

Yes, I enjoy it very much.
Yes, I enjoy it.
Yes, I enjoy it somewhat.
No, I don't enjoy it at all.
Not particularly
I am indifferent.

8. Do you enjoy watching cartoon-adapted television cartoons?

Yes, I enjoy it very much.
Yes, I enjoy it.
Yes, I enjoy it somewhat.
No, I don't enjoy it at all.
Not particularly
I am indifferent.

9. Have you ever heard of Archie comics?


If your answer is no, please skip to question 21.

10. When did you last read Archie comics?

A few days ago
A few weeks ago
A few months ago
A few years ago
When I was a child (ten or more years ago)

11. How did you get to know Archie comics?

Through a family member
Through a friend
Random browsing at the stores
Can't remember

12. Why do you read Archie comics?
Check all that apply.

I only read Archie comics when I'm bored and a comic is around.
I read it because I find it interesting.
I read it because someone gave it to me.
I read it as a form of nostalgia because it reminds me of my childhood.
I have always been reading it.
I like the Archie characters.
I find the stories amusing.
I am curious to know if the comic has changed throughout the years.
I can't think of any reason.

13. Please check all the statements you think are true.

Reading Archie comics is educational.
Some stories in Archie comics are lifelike.
Most relationships between the characters in Archie comics are applicable to real life situations.
The stories in Archie comics are not believable at all.
Riverdale High is a reflection of a typical high school in real life.
The characters in Archie comics are lifelike.
Reading Archie comics has helped me with some real life situations.
Archie comics teach good values to children and adolescents.
I have learnt something about relationships through reading Archie comics.
I have learnts something about school life through reading Archie comics.

14. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least enjoyable and 10 being the most enjoyable, please rate the enjoyment you get from reading Archie comics when compared to other comics.

15. Would you consider yourself a fan of Archie comics?

I used to be, but not anymore.

16. Have you ever visited websites on Archie comics?


17. Can you briefly describe some of the sites you have visited?


18. What Archie comics-related activities have you participated in? Check all that apply.

I only read Archie comics as a personal activity.
I have participated in discussions about Archie comics.
I collect Archie comics.
I have spoken casually to other people about Archie comics.
I have purchased at least one Archie comics-related merchandises aside from the comics.
I browsed through Archie-related websites.
I have written at least one fan mail to Archie comics.
I have written about Archie comics but have never shared them with others. (Examples: personal journal about Archie comics and/or the characters; re-appropriation of Archie characters etc).
I have written about Archie comics and have shared them with others. (Examples: created websites on Archie comics, participating in forums about Archie comics).
I have seen TV series based on Archie comic character. (Josie and the Pussycats, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Archie's Weird Mysteries etc).

19. If I could be one of the Archie comic characters, I would be

20. If I were Archie Andrews, I would choose:

Another girl
Nobody, because I want to continue playing the field.

21. I am:


22. My age range is:

Below 10 years old
11 years old to 14 years old
15 years old to 18 years old
19 years old to 22 years old
23 years old to 29 years old
30 years old to 35 years old
36 years old to 39 years old
40 years old and above

23. After this survey, I might be more interested in finding out more about Archie comics.

I'm indifferent


Thank you for your time! Please click the submit button once you have completed the survey.