Morin Lab
Ryan D. Morin, Assistant Professor B.Sc., Simon Fraser University Phone: (778) 782-9581 |
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and School of Computing Science (Associate Member), Simon Fraser University
Scientist, Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency
Research Interest
Applying high throughput sequencing to cancer and human genetic diseases Recent advances to DNA sequencing technology allow us to
determine the entire human genome sequence of an
individual in a single experiment.
Such analyses offer exciting possibilities but the data
present significant computational challenges. My lab
uses a combination of high-throughput sequencing and
bioinformatics to study the genetic architecture of
cancer and other heritable and sporadic genetic
Though many cancers are not heritable, they arise from
the collection of a series of somatic mutations that
arise throughout ones life. The
"driver" mutations are those that alter the behavior of
cells and contribute to malignancy. General aims of my
research include the
identification of mutations that offer new insights into
disease etiology such as the driver mutations in cancer
and causal alleles in other
diseases. A secondary aim is to identify biomarkers that
may be used to predict and follow the clinical course of
cancers. Ultimately, I aim
to discover mutations that may lead to new treatments
for diseases such as cancer and improved methods for
detecting tumour dynamics.
My lab also studies common sporadic cancers affecting
pet dogs (Canis familiaris). We hope that some new insights
made in human cancers may facilitate improved treatment
and diagnosis of canine cancers such as lymphoma.
To achieve each of these goals we need to produce
massive amounts of sequencing data (genomes, exomes or
transcriptomes) from patient samples and deep
re-sequencing experiments of regions for the
quantitative detection of mutations. Sophisticated
analyses are required to separate the disease-related
signal from normal biological variation and technical
noise inherent in any sequencing technology. As data
throughput increases and more challenging sample and
experiment types are approached, my group will continue
to develop algorithms and workflows to improve
our ability to accomplish this. Distinct mutation types
such as single nucleotide variants (SNVs),
insertion/deletions, copy number variants (CNVs) and
structural alterations can all act as drivers. My lab
will pursue approaches to integrate these disparate
mutation types to better understand the complete genetic
architecture of individual cancers. As computational
infrastructure is a commodity, I ultimately aim to
produce cloud-ready tools that operate within Galaxy or
some other user-friendly system such that individual
researchers can more readily utilize these methods.
Specific research aims are as follows:
1) Determine the genetic events that lead to treatment
resistance, relapse and metastasis in common human
cancers with a focus on lymphoma and pediatric cancers
2) Develop sensitive assays for detecting the presence
of tumour cells and key driver mutations in the
bloodstream of patients
3) Identify commonalities and differences between common
canine cancers and their human counterparts
4) Develop improved methods for detecting mutations in
massively parallel sequencing data and integrating
distinct mutation types to aid in identifying driver
Laboratory trainees will have the opportunity to learn
how to produce and analyze next generation sequencing
(NGS) data using an Illumina MiSeq. I am open to
trainees who desire a strictly wet-lab focus and those
with purely bioinformatics projects and any blend of the
two. Owing to my affiliation with the BC Cancer Agency's Genome
Sciences Centre, students will have access to clinical
collaborators and additional high throughput NGS
instruments such as the HiSeq and IonTorrent Personal
Genome Machine.
Potential students interested in a purely bioinformatics project are welcome to apply directly
Lab members
Lab members