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Cell and Molecular Biology Colloquium

Join us and participate in weekly seminar presentations on exciting topics in the fields of cell, molecular and developmental biology.

Presentations Fall 2015

Date: Fridays, 12.00pm-1.00pm - Room: SSB7172

October 2, 2015:

Jesper Johansen
Glancy et al. 2015. Nature Vol 423 617- 620.
"Mitochondrial reticulum for cellular energy distribution in muscle"
Glancy et al.

October 9, 2015:

Fabian Meili
Moreau K, Ghislat G, Rubinsztein D, et al. Nature Communications [serial online]. August 20, 2015;6:8045.
"Transcriptional regulation of Annexin A2 promotes starvation-induced autophagy"
Moreau et al.

October 16, 2015:

Alekhya Josyula Venkata
Johmura et al. Molecular Cell 55, 73-84.
"Necessary and Sufficient Role for a Mitosis Skip in Senescence Induction"
Johmura et al.

October 23, 2015:

Thea Van Rossum
Gavelis, Gregory S., et al. Nature Vol 523 204-207.
"Eye-like ocelloids are built from different endosymbiotically acquired components"
Gavelis et al.

October 30, 2015:

Bashe Bashe
Seo et al. Nature Communications, 18 Sept, 2015, 6:8189.
"Telomere Maintenance through recruitment of internal genomic regions"
Seo et al.

November 6, 2015:

Elizabeth Hoesing
Ferron et al. Nature Communications, 2015, 6:8265.
"Differential genomic imprinting regulates paracrine and autocrine roles of IGF2 in mouse adult neurogenesis"
Ferron et al.

November 13, 2015:

Hamida Safi
Jing et al. 2015. Nature Cell Biology 17, 1339-1347.
"Proteomic mapping of ER-PM junctions identifies STIMATE as a regulaator of Ca2+ influx"
Jing et al.

Archived Presentations