SLP admission

Congratulations to our 2024 speech-language pathology admits

July 02, 2024

Pursuing a graduate program in speech-language pathology (SLP) is one of the most lucrative and rewarding career paths to follow upon completing your undergraduate education at SFU Linguistics. Admission to an SLP graduate program is a great accomplishment representing years of dedication. There is a high level of competition as spots are limited. To practise as a registered SLP in BC, you must be a registrant with the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of British Columbia (CSHBC), the regulatory body that oversees SLP professional standards.

This year, eleven students from SFU Linguistics have been successful in their application to an SLP graduate program. The department is incredibly proud of our students and offers heartfelt congratulations on this hard-won achievement. In particular, Undergraduate Advisor Rita Parmar has provided guidance and support to SLP applicants and she is incredibly gratified by the news.

Many of the new admits enjoyed participating in SFU Linguistics' Speech and Hearing Club (SHLUB). Several reported that completing the Certificate in the Linguistics of Speech Science (CLSS) offered by SFU Linguistics was a big part of their success.

See below for the list of students accepted to an SLP graduate program, including the University of Alberta and the University of British Columbia.

SFU Linguistics students have attended SLP graduate programs across Canada. These include Dalhousie University, McGill University, McMaster University, the University of Toronto, and Western University. Scholarships are available for Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Additionally, there are international graduate programs that have a mutual recognition agreement with Speech-Language and Audiology Canada. Washington State University has a thriving SLP program. The University of Oregon offers a Communication Disorders and Sciences SLP master’s degree which is recognized in Canada. If you're looking for an adventure across the globe, Australia has a long history of encouraging Canadian students to “get from Eh to Oz” by applying to their SLP graduate programs.

To read SLP Admission Features on individual students, see the links below. 

University of Alberta MSc in Speech-Language Pathology:

Karah Bulaqui

University of British Columbia MSc in Speech-Language Pathology: 

Trevor Bonneteau

Jiyun Daisy Choi

Sahibnoor Dhami

Justine Eddy

Morgan Glover

Janna Grant

Supriya Jassal

Sarah Lee

Kevin Tyson

Marissa Zhu