research spotlight

Linguistics faculty receive Breaking Barriers Interdisciplinary Incentive Grant

April 12, 2024

FASS has introduced a new grant and two teams with faculty from Linguistics are among the first to be named successful recipients. The FASS Breaking Barriers Interdisciplinary Incentive Grant funds research proposed by teams from at least two disciplines. The aim of the research is to deepen our understanding of the world’s most pressing issues in order to create solutions or otherwise address these problems. 

SFU Linguistics Drs. Yue Wang, Henny Yeung, and Fenqi Wang have teamed with Drs. Angelica Lim and Paige Tuttosi at Computing Science for their project titled “Creating adaptive vocal interfaces in human-AI interactions.” 

Linguistics and Indigenous Languages professor Dr. Marianne Ignace has joined principal investigator Dr. Eldon Yellowhorn of Indigenous Studies and Physics professor Dr. Joanna Woo to form another team of successful recipients of this new FASS grant. Their project is titled “Star Lore of Coastal First Peoples: Navigating the waters with the sky.”

Congratulations to both of the successful teams on their new interdisciplinary research partnerships. See this link for more information on the FASS Breaking Barriers Interdisciplinary Incentive Grant. 

Read more about the variety of research projects on the go at SFU Linguistics.