Amber Rynearson, MA Student

Focus of research

Corpus linguistics


Corpus linguistics; discourse analysis; language policy and planning; linguistic landscape; World Englishes


Present  MA Student, Linguistics, Simon Fraser University

2020  BA in English Studies (Linguistics concentration, TEFL certificate), Western Oregon University


Prior to SFU, I graduated from Western Oregon University in 2020, where I completed my BA in English Studies, with a concentration in linguistics and a TEFL certificate. While in undergrad, I spent time working as a research assistant under Dr. Robert Troyer, mainly assisting with corpus compilation and qualitative data analysis. I also worked with international students in the university’s English tutoring center, and for the past year, have been using those skills while volunteering in ESOL classes at Portland Community College. I will be working in Dr. Maite Taboada’s research group, studying corpus linguistics and discourse analysis. I also hope to explore sociolinguistics further, especially language policy, linguistic landscape and World Englishes.