Xizi (Danielle) Deng, PhD Student

Email: xizi_deng@sfu.ca

Supervisor: Dr. Henny Yeung




I joined the Department of Linguistics at SFU as a graduate student in 2017 and graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong before that. My research interests lie in L2 speech perception, especially in accent adaptation and word recognition. I'm also working on projects on audio-visual processing that explore perceivers' looking patterns when processing various types of speech information. I'm a researcher at the Language and Brain Lab and the Language Learning and Development Lab. Besides linguistics, I am also a fan of science fiction and sci-fi movies. 


Speech perception; psycholinguistics; bilingualism; accent adaptation; word recognition; L2 acquisition; audio-visual processing


See Danielle's Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RGaYNxsAAAAJ&hl=en