"[Having come from Paris so] coming from outside of the Italian design context, what do you think is good about that process? The unique process of the relationship of architecture to product design, industrial design, and maybe what is not good about the way that it works?"

A - (Nguyen)
"I think what is important is to mix; it's a fact in the design team. The design team is made of designers not architects. It's good for us (industrial/product designers) to learn about architecture, but on the other side, people now coming from architecture are not able to design anymore. This is a tradition like the old masters of architecture, but not only in Italy, there was Le Corbusier and other famous architects. Today it's more divided, and so it's becoming more interesting and more specific in Italy and design culture. Design and architecture in most of the places are now completely separated. There are very few offices that are doing design and architecture. Here (Citterio office) design is really integrated in the office with architecture. We try to use the exchange of the different people in the office. It's always a very interesting to mix. Very often it is difficult to work all together on a project, but in the end what is important is to exchange some information, getting materials regarding what you need."