Adam Robertson Elementary, Creston, B.C.
Thank you again for making the trip to Adam Robertson Elementary School in Creston. All of my students enjoyed their time with you, and asked me if you could come back again. In their responses, they all enjoyed the Mobius Strip, they are a quiet group, but love ‘hands-on’ activities. They were all very curious about how the pencil structures were made. Overall, I feel that the presentation inspired a lot of the students to approach math a little differently. I wasn’t sure how to get all of the student reflections to you, so I have included some quotes from their responses.
“I really liked how Dr. J introduced himself with math problems. I thought that was a really neat idea. Most people have boring intro’s, but his was interesting.” Allison
“I enjoyed the puzzles that you showed us, it was really fun trying to figure out the answer. I remember your university, it has three soccer fields, two gyms, a swimming pool, and a six-story library. I also remember that the girls’ soccer team is one of the best.” Ewan
“I saw ‘Twitter’ first!” –Dillon
“The puzzles were fun, and I was amazed that a square was made out of circles.” – Jesse
“It was so much fun making Mobius Strips with paper. I thought it was cool how you told math questions while sharing your life with us.” –Morgan
“I think that I will remember the chess story about the King and the Wiseman. Something I learned was that mathematics is everywhere, even art.” – Arpan
“The Mobius Strip really blew my mind how they turned into squares. Overall, this was one of the best school afternoons I’ve had. Thank you for this presentation, it was so fun and entertaining. You really inspired me.” –Ben
Overall, I think that all of the students learned something new and will remember this experience.
Thank you,