The final IPinCH team gathering, “Weaving Us Together,” will take place at the Musqueam First Nation Cultural and Community Centre in Vancouver, on Friday and Saturday, November 7th and 8th.
Optional pre- and post-gathering activities are scheduled for November 6th and 9th. We are hoping to bring together as much of the IPinCH team as possible to collectively address two key questions: 1) Where is IPinCH positioned to make a difference?; and 2) How do we do this?
We now have a draft program that is both flexible and focused, and incorporates many of your suggestions and expressed needs. It has been a huge challenge to fit everything in. A detailed email will be coming soon with information that will help you with your planning, including the draft program.
For those interested, there will be opportunities to get together before the official start of the gathering. On Wednesday, we are organizing a “Student and Emerging Scholar” workshop on professional development and mentorship. Meeting spaces for Working Groups and others to focus on their initiatives can be made available on either the Wednesday or Sunday.
The Gathering is a long-anticipated opportunity for deep discussions related to our Community-Based Initiatives and to our Working Groups, and other initiatives, and to bring together the knowledge and experiences of our team members, students, and partners. Our emphasis throughout the gathering is discussion, not academic-style presentations. There will be break-out rooms available throughout the gathering, as well as quiet corners for conversation and networking.
A Share Fair will be held on Friday afternoon, where individuals, CBI teams, and Working Groups can share their experiences and information through posters, informational takeaways, casual conversations, and other means.
There will also be a variety of cultural events throughout the event, which will conclude with a traditional banquet and closing ceremony. Unfortunately, due to limited time and resources, we are no longer planning a public symposium.
Please add the Gathering dates to your calendar, and stay tuned for details to follow soon.
(Graphic by D. Hawkins)