New and Improved IPinCH Website

The online world of the Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage Project is easier on the eyes—and easier to navigate—after a redesign of the website.
Thanks to the excellent work of Cheryl Takahashi, the website’s new look is coupled with a more user-friendly interface. A redesigned home page, drop-down menus that allow instant access to better-organized content, and other new features greet users at
Through daily e-mail digests that they can opt out of, the IPinCH team will be able to stay posted on the project developments they are most interested in, such as updated forum posts or Working Group discussions.  
Logging on is easier: users may log on with their email address or username [lastname_firstname - all lowercase] and now have an option of changing their username by clicking on the “My Account” menu and choosing edit. Users can also select their own passwords in “My Account”.
The website celebrates the people behind IPinCH, with short team member profiles and pictures included on the home page, and with the ability for users to add their own content and share their stories, publications, and thoughts with the rest of the team. Although adding content is now easier, Project Manager Kelly Fox will always be happy to post content for those who would prefer it (

It's your website, so please send feedback on the site and its content to Kelly (