IPinCH Wikipedia Page Increasingly Read

We’ve been tracking use of our Wikipedia page and thought you would be interested to learn of a significant and sustained increase in visits to the IPinCH Wikipedia page in recent months.

The page was created last year by Jo Hammond, a graduate student of George Nicholas, as a present for George’s birthday. Jay Herbert, IPinCH’s original and most enduring graduate student research assistant, added more information and links, bringing the page up to all Wikipedia standards. 
Traffic on the site has been steadily increasing since its March 2009 inception with 349 visits in January 2010 (up from 167 in December). 
People outside of the project have cited our Wikipedia page. In one case, the project description was copied and pasted into a comment on a CBC web story about the project’s Inuvialuit visit to the Smithsonian Institution last November.
Everyone connected with IPinCH is invited to contribute to the page:
The link for checking Wikipedia page traffic (and hunting for wikibumps) is:
Our page stats for January are at: