Last spring IPinCH Project Director George Nicholas was invited to prepare a piece on IP in heritage management for the “Resources” section of the journal Heritage Management. George subsequently invited members of the Steering Committee and Working Group Co-chairs to join him in that endeavor. The final product is attached: Challenges and Opportunities Relating to Appropriation, Information Access, Bioarchaeology & Cultural Tourism.
Heritage Management Volume 2, Issue 2, Fall 2009 should be out any day now.
As you will see, George divided the project into two parts. Part 1 provides a general introduction to the subject, followed by separate sections on the topics of appropriation, information access, bioarchaeology, and cultural tourism. Each of the thematic resource sets is prefaced by a short introduction to, and commentary on, the topic.
It’s now time to start Part 2 for the Spring 2010 issue. Part 2 will cover the remaining themes, namely resources relating to ethical and legal dimensions of intellectual property in cultural heritage, as well as collaborative research approaches that constitute good practice.