IPinCH Associate, Amber Ridington, is seeking community experts and scholars to join the following proposed session for the 2016 Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Annual Meeting to be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada: March 29 – April 2, 2016:
Session Title:
Curating Indigenous Knowledge: Examining the Efficacy of Digital Technologies and Oral History Methodologies for Indigenous-Centered CRM.
Session Abstract:
(to be modified once all presentation topics are known):
This session brings together community experts and scholars to share their insight on the effectiveness of current digital archive platforms and heritage documentation methodologies for facilitating Indigenous management of their cultural heritage materials (oral history recordings, documents, images, artifacts). Presenters will probe topics such as virtual repatriation, language and culture vitalization, legal enforcement of Aboriginal and treaty rights, government policy and funding as they illustrate the intersections between cultural resource management (CRM) and environmental and cultural sustainability. The session will feature open discussions about emergent visions and identified needs for building sustainable Indigenous-centered CRM tools and practices.
Please reply to the session organizer, Amber Ridington, at amber@amberridington.com well before the submission deadline of October 15th if you would like to contribute.