(Oklahoma City, OK)
Email: mriley88@hotmail.com
Website: www.sfaa.net
Description: The Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) is the largest professional organization in the United States for applied and practicing anthropologists. The Topical Interest Group for Intellectual Property Rights (TIG for IPR) works to publicize and disseminate information regarding current topics and issues in the field of intellectual property rights for indigenous peoples. This includes IPRs in traditional and indigenous ecological knowledge, medicinal knowledge, agricultural practices, land rights, resource rights, language, rights in archaeological, biological, genetic, and cultural heritage resources, and every other area in which traditional and indigenous knowledge systems have been used (or continue to be used in present times). The TIG for IPR reports to the members of the SfAA continuing developments in the field of indigenous IPRs, including pending litigation and legal matters worldwide that touch upon indigenous peoples rights to their resources and intellectual property. The aim of the TIG for IPR is to provide a forum for and enhance the visibility of indigenous rights issues, and to inform members of the SfAAs of potential solutions in the recognition and protection of indigenous intellectual property rights.