Ph.D., President, Sealaska Heritage Institute
Rosita is Tlingit from the Thunderbird Clan and House Lowered from the Sun of Klukwan, Alaska. She is a Child of the Sockeye Clan. She is an enrolled member of the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians and Sealaska Corporation, which are federally-recognized entities. Worl serves on the Board of Directors of Sealaska Corporation, which was created by Congress to implement the aboriginal land claims of the Alaska Natives.
Rosita holds a doctoral degree in anthropology from Harvard University. She serves as the President of the Sealaska Heritage Institute, which is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the culture of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian. Previously, she was a professor of anthropology at the University of Alaska Southeast.
Rosita has done extensive research throughout the circumpolar Arctic and Alaska. She has written a number of landmark studies and reports published by foundations, universities, federal organizations and Alaska Native organizations on bowhead whale and seal hunting, impacts of industrial development on Native communities, and Tlingit culture and history.