People and Partners


IPinCH is a collaboration of many individuals and organizations, including established and emerging scholars, graduate and undergraduate students, community and professional practitioners, and some two-dozen partner organizations: 

Research Team

The Research Team is made up of more than 50 collaborators leading IPinCH research activities, including working groups, case studies, and community-based initiatives.

Merle Alexander
Jane Anderson
Michael Asch
Sonya Atalay
Kelly Bannister
Cathy Bell
Susan Bruning
Rosemary J. Coombe
Graham Dutfield
T.J. Ferguson
Daniel Gendron near Pingualuk (the crater lake supposed to be the main attractio
Alan H. Goodman
Sheila Greer
no photo
Robert Alan Hershey
Julie Hollowell
Terri Janke
Vivien Johnson
Eric Kansa
Lyn Leader-Elliott
Ian Lilley
Stephen Loring
Randall McGuire
Lynn Meskell
Jim Molnar
Lena Mortensen
George Mukuka
Murielle Nagy
George Nicholas, IPinCH Project Director
Brian Noble
sven ouzman
Daryl Pullman
Claire Smith
Maui Solomon
Susan Thorpe
Silke von Lewinski
Joe Watkins
John R. Welch
Barbara J. Winter
H. Martin Wobst
Alison Wylie
Dongya Yang
eldon yellowhorn
James Young
Larry J. Zimmerman

Partnering Organisations

Partner Organizations are the non-university organizations, including community-based groups, international institutions, scholarly associations, and publishers, with which IPinCH team members work to carry out their research.

The Alexandria Archive Institute
Anthropological Research, LLC
Arctic Studies Centre, Smithsonian
Avataq Cultural Institute
Canadian Archaeological Association
Hokkaido University
Champagne and Aishihik First Nation
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
International Journal of Cultural Property
Inuit Heritage Trust
Photo coming soon
National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, photo: Terry Pamplin
Sealaska Heritage Institute
Society for Applied Anthropology's Intellectual Property Rights Interest Group
The Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture & Lifeways
White Mountain Apache Tribe
World Archaeological Congress

Project Advisors

Project Advisors are internationally recognized experts in cultural heritage, intellectual property, law, archaeology, and Indigenous issues who provide high-level guidance and direction for the project.

Michael Brown (Photo: Courtesy School for Advanced Research - Sante Fe).
Jock Robert Langford
Peter Norman Levesque, KSJ

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for evaluating the direction and progress of the project, including management, administration, research design and work plans.

Catherine Bell
Kelly Bannister
Brian Egan
Robin R. R. Gray
Julie Hollowell
George Nicholas, IPinCH Project Director
Joe Watkins
John R. Welch


Fellows are holders of IPinCH Fellowship Awards, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

Ruth Aloua
Nicole Aylwin
Melissa Baird
Sarah Carr-Locke
Miquel Dangeli
Robin Gray
Erin Hogg
Michael Klassen
Jenny Lewis
Claire Poirier
Irine Prastio
Solen Roth
Emilie Ruffin
Adam Solomonian, IPinCH Fellow
Davina Two Bears


Associates are an eclectic collection of individuals, including students, scholars, and professionals, with an interest in IPinCH themes.

Aida Abdykanova
Jane Azzam
Fanya Becks
Gloria Bell, IPinCH Associate
Photo of Josh Berson
Gordon Bronitsky
Alison K. Brown
Deidre Brown at Waipapa Marae
Kelly Brown
Thomas Burelli
Silvia Calamai
Priya Chandrasekaran
Roger Chennells
Kimberly Christen
Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh
Malcolm Connolly
Holly Cusack-McVeigh
Kristen Dobbin
Zoe Eddy
Brian Egan
Emma Feltes
Allison Fish
Maddy Fowler
Ellen Frankenstein
Jobe Gabototwe
Mariane Gaudreau
Rachel F. Giraudo
Patricia Goff
Annique-Elise Goode
Christopher Green
Joanne Hammond
Kate Hennessy
Alvaro Higueras
Gwyneira Isaac
Aynur Kadir
Hirofumi Kato
Adrienne Keene
Madeline Knickerbocker
Inkeri Koskinen
Erica Kowsz
Jennifer Kramer
Karolina Kuprecht
Marina La Salle
Sarah Lison
Gordon Lobay
Natasha Lyons
R. Duncan Mathewson III
Dru McGill
Ian McIntosh and friend
Chelsea Meloche
Darren Modzelewski
Luis Muro
Kathy M’Closkey
Ndukuyakhe Ndlovu
Teresa Nichols
Jennifer O'Neal
Carl-Gösta Ojala
Mayumi Okada
Shiri Pasternak
Graham J. Reynolds
Justin B. Richland
Amber Ridington
Amy Roberts
Sean Robertson
Laura Skorodenski
Savannah Sloat
George Smith
Joshua Smith
Adrian Tanner
Lia Tarle
Stacy Tchorzynski
Wendy Giddens Teeter
Alexa Walker
Chris Wilson
Jordan Wilson
Rosita Worl
Kelsey Wrightson
Tariq Zaman
Krista Zawadski