Survivors of the Atomic Bomb – Visions of a World Without Nuclear Weapons

About this event

This public event is a rare opportunity to hear from three Hibakusha (survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and two youth communicators as they visit Vancouver as part of a global voyage by the Japanese "Peace Boat". The participants will provide unique testimony to the tragedy of the atomic bombings of 1945 as well as their views on how the international community can make progress towards the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.


The following individuals will participate in presentations:

Ms TANAKA Toshiko (Hiroshima)

Mr. OGAWA Tadayoshi (Nagasaki)

Ms. HUANG Rongyuan

Mr. Joel Naoki CHRISTOPH

July 8, 2024

3:30 PM

SFU Harbour Centre Room 2270


  • School for International Studies
  • David Lam Centre