Student Survey on Academic Integrity at SFU


The student survey indicates that participants regard academic honesty as an important issue. Students self-reported on various forms of academic dishonesty and offered explanations for why they or their peers commit such acts.  Participants want offenders punished, but they also point to the need for education. A major concern is for a level playing field to ensure that everyone is treated equally and has an equal opportunity to avoid academic dishonesty through education and preventative measures. Many participants expressed a desire for more consistent enforcement of academic honesty policies throughout the University, stricter invigilation of exams, less recycling of exams and assignments, and more resources.  For example, to deal with some of the pressures and challenges involved in academia, students suggested providing a writing centre and implementing seminars to help students maintain academic honesty and to increase their understanding  of why they should value it.  A report of results by Faculty for a selection of survey questions suggests some variation in students’ perceptions of the nature and degree of academic integrity issues depending on their area of study.