Rod Day

Professor Emeritus

Areas of Study: EUROPE.


Charles Rodney Day completed his BA degree at Stanford University in 1958 and his PhD at Harvard University in 1964. He took up his appointment as assistant professor at Simon Fraser University in 1966 and was promoted full professor in 1987. On his retirement in 2001, he became Professor Emeritus.

Research Interests

Modern French history with a particular interest in the history of education and technology during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Publications (Books)

  • Inside West Vancouver: People, Politics, and Planning Since 1912, Vancouver: West Vancouver Historical Society, 2022. 225pp.
  • Schools and Work: Technical Education in France since the Third Republic, Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2001. xii + 236 pp.
  • Les Ecoles des Arts et Metiers. L'Enseignement Technique en France XIXe-XXe Siecle. Paris: Belin, 1991. Translated by Jean-Pierre Bardos. 429 pp.
  • Education for the Industrial World. The Ecoles d'Arts et Metiers and the Rise of French Industrial Engineering. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1987. xii + 293 pp.

Publications (Articles)

  • The Careers of Graduates of the Ecoles d'Arts et Metiers in the French Automobile Industry, 1880-1940', Canadian Journal of History, XXXIX (August 1994): 305-331.
  • 'Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Un Philanthrope Francais, 1747-1827', Les Cahiers d'Histoire du Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers. I (Fall 1992): 45-74.
  • 'Science, Applied Science and Higher Education in France, 1870-1945, An Historiographical Survey since the 1950s', Journal of Social History, 26, no. 2 (Winter 1992): 367-384.
  • 'Des ouvriers aux ingenieurs: Le developpement des Ecoles d'arts et metiers et Ie role de la societe des anciens eleves', in Andre Grelon, ed., Culture Technique, Les Ingenieurs, 12 (March 1984), pp. 281-291.
  • 'The Rustic Man: The Rural Schoolmaster in Nineteenth-Century France', Comparative Studies in Society and History, 25 (January 1983): 26-49.
  • 'Technocracy or Democracy? Technical High Schools and the Question of Secondary School Reform in France, 1918-1947', Canadian Historical Association: Historical Papers (1981), pp. 155-166.
  • 'The Development of Protestant Primary Education in France under the Constitutional Monarchy', Canadian Journal of History, XVI (1981): 215-236.
  • 'The Making of Mechanical Engineers in France: The Ecoles d'Arts et Metiers, 1803-1914', French Historical Studies, X (Spring 1978): 439-460.
  • 'The Development of Higher Primary and Intermediate Technical Education in France, 1800 to 1870', Historical Reflections, III (Winter 1976): 49-67.
  • 'Social Advancement and the Primary School Teacher: The Making of Normal School Directors in France, 1815-1880', Social History/Histoire Social, VII (May 1974): 87-102.
  • 'Education, Technology, and Social Change in France: The Short, Unhappy Life of the Cluny School, 1866-1891', French Historical Studies, VIII (Spring 1974): 427-444.
  • 'Technical and Professional Education in France: The Rise and Fall of L'Enseignement Secondaire Special, 1865-1902', Journal of Social History, VI (1972-3): 177-201.

Notable Major Awards

Excellence in Teaching Award, Simon Fraser University, 2001
