Hannah Gay

Associate Professor
Email: hgay@sfu.ca


Publications (Books)

  • The History of Imperial College London, 1907-2007: Higher Education and Research in Science, Technology and Medicine (London: Imperial College Press, 2007).
  • Editor, Women in Science and Technology: The Legacy of Margaret Benston (Canadian Woman Studies, Winter, 1993).

Publications (Articles)

  • '"Pillars of the College": Assistants at the Royal College of Chemistry', Ambix, 2000.
  • 'Association and Practice: The City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education', Annals of Science, 2001.
  • 'Explaining the Universe: Herbert Spencer's attempt to synthesize political and evolutionary ideas', Endeavour vol. 23 (2) (1999): 56-90.
  • 'No Heathen's Corner Here': The Failed Campaign to Memorialize Herbert Spencer in Westminster Abbey', British Journal for the History of Science, (1998): 41-54.
  • 'Brothers in Science: Science and Fraternal Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain' (with John W. Gay), History of Science, (1997): 425-453.
  • 'East End, West End: Science, Culture and Class in Mid-Victorian London', Canadian Journal of History, 12 (1997): 153-183.
  • 'Wilderness, Ideology and Gender: Notes on Canadian Wilderness Diaries' in Marilyn MacDonald (ed.) Heaven's Peculiar Care: Concepts of Women, Canada and the Environment. UBC Press.
  • 'The Chemical Philosophy of Theodore W. Richards', Ambix 44 (1997): 1-20.
  • 'Invisible Resource: William Crookes and his Circle of Support 1871-81', British Journal for the History of Science, 29 (1996): 311-36.
  • 'Wilderness Philosophy', Dialogue 33 (1994): 661-75,
  • 'Saving the Phenomena and Saving Conventions: A Contribution to the Debate over Feminist Epistemology', Canadian Woman Studies, Vol. 14, No.2, (1993): 37-42.
  • 'Ruse and the Darwinian Paradigm', Dialogue xxx (1991): 143-51.
  • 'Chemical and Biological Warfare', review essay in The International History Review, ix, 3, August 1987: 465-72.
  • 'Modelling the Technological Society', in Women and the Natural Sciences, Karen Messing, Lesley Lee, and Maria de Koninch (eds.), Resources for Feminist Research, 15, No. 3 (November 1986).
  • 'The Asymmetric Carbon Atom: (1) a case study of independent discovery, (2) An inductive model for scientific method," Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 9 (1978): 207-238
  • 'Noble Gas Compounds: A case study of Scientific Conservatism and Opportunism', Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 8 (1977) 1: 61-70.
  • 'Radicals and Types: A critical comparison of the Methodologies of Popper and Lakatas and their use in the reconstruction of 19th century chemistry', Stud. Hist. Phil. of Sci., 7 (1976): 1-51.