Hilmar M. Pabel

Office: AQ 6230
Email: pabel@sfu.ca 
Personal Website: www.sfu.ca/~pabel/


Research Interests

Renaissance humanism: Erasmus of Rotterdam;
Early Modern Catholicism;
History of the Book;
Current project: The literary career of Peter Canisius, SJ (1521-1597)



  • “Peter Canisius and the Protestants: A Model of Ecumenical Dialogue?” Journal of Jesuit Studies 1 (2014): 373-99.
  • “Fear and Consolation: Peter Canisius and the Spirituality of Dying and Death.” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 45 (2013): 1-32.
  • "Paraphrase and Plagiarism: Peter Canisius’ Exposition of Psalm 51.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011): 371-406.
  • Catholic’ Augustine.”Theological Studies 71 (2010): 903-925.
  • "The Authority of Augustine in Erasmus' Biblical Exegesis." Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook 29 (2009): 61-87.
  • "Augustine's Confessions and the Autobigraphies of Peter Canisius." Church History and Religious Culture 87 (2007): 453-75.
  • "Erasmus, Willem Vorsterman, and the Printing of St. Jerome's Letters." Quaerendo 37 (2007): 267-90.
  • "Peter Canisius as a Catholic Editor of a Catholic St. Jerome." Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 96 (2005): 171-97.
  • "Sixteenth-Century Catholic Criticism of Erasmus' Edition of St. Jerome." Reformation and Renaissance Review 6 (2004): 231-62.
  • "Credit, Paratexts, and Editorial Strategies in Erasmus of Rotterdam's Editions of St. Jerome." Intersections: Yearbook for Early Modern Studies 4 (2004): 217-56.
  • "Reading Jerome in the Renaissance: Erasmus' Reception of the Adversus Jovinianum." Renaissance Quarterly 55 (2002): 470-97.

Areas of Graduate Supervision

Early Modern Europe: religious, intellectual, cultural

Accepting new graduate students: yes

Teaching Interests

Early Modern Europe: religious, intellectual, cultural


  • 2009: SSHRC Standard Grant
  • 2009: Fellowship, Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies
  • Senior Scholar Research Fellowship, Renaissance Society of America, 2005
  • Fellowship, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbattel, Germany, 2003
  • Fellowship, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, Rome, 2002
  • Standard Grant, SSHRC, 2001 - 2004