GSWS Research Hub

Featured Research

Have you ever wanted to know more about the people behind the scholarship? Helen Leung, professor and chair of the Department of Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies and co-director of the Institute for Transpacific Cultural Research, chats with scholars about family, sense of belonging, and migration histories on the Transpacific Stories Podcast. Listen to a special Pride month episode of the podcast, where Department of Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies faculty member Carman Fung joins Leung for an intergenerational conversation on queer Asia

Listen to Transpacific Stories Episode 12, or listen on your favourite podcast platform

Watch Vaibhav Saria discuss their award-winning book, Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India on Ethnographic Imagination Basel with George Paul Meiu, professor of Anthropology and chair of the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Basel

Watch our four-part Roundtable Conversation on Asia/Diaspora Research featuring GSWS faculty members Nadine Attewell, May Farrales, Helen Leung, and Vaibhav Saria.

How can cities become safer and more welcoming for Two-Spirit, trans, and gender-diverse people? Watch Tiffany Muller Myrdahl discuss Vancouver's innovative approach to supporting trans equity and inclusion.