Audience at Friesen Conference

John K. Friesen Conference


Understanding and Fostering Resilience in Older Adults

Chairperson: Andrew Wister

This conference addressed the issue of seniors isolation from a variety of perspectives - micro, meso and macro; individual to society. Among topics covered ageism, the lack of affordable housing that is plaguing Canada's big cities, and ways in which social isolation render older adults vulnerable to victimization by persons in a position where there is an expectation of trust (elder abuse, neglect) as well as to mass media exploitation.  Innovations in policy and practice were discussed - that is, ways in which we as a society can help people to move from isolation to inclusion or prevent isolation from happening in the first place.

Program  |  Speaker Bios  | Poster Abstracts

Day 1 — June 10, 2019

Plenary Address 1: Resilience in Older Adults: What it is and How to Strengthen it

Barbara Resnick, Professor, School of Nursing, University of Maryland


Panel 1: Putting Faces to Older Adult Resilience — Examples that Illustrate the Concept

Gloria Gutman (Convener and Moderator), Lillian Zimmerman, Ken Walker, Bill Dyck, Henry Martens


Plenary Address 2: Science and Practice of Environmental Disasters, Resilience and Aging

Igor Linkov, Risk and Decision Science Team Lead, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center PowerPoint

Plenary Address 3: Mental Health Resilience and Aging: Measurement and Analytic Issues

Theodore D. Cosco, Assistant Professor, Department of Gerontology, SFU


Panel 2: Using an Innovation Lens to Find Solutions to Seniors’ Housing Insecurity

Elizabeth Tang, CMHC; Beverly Pitman, UWLM; Carolina Ibarra, Brightside Community of Homes Foundation


Plenary Address 4: Physical Resilience and Aging: What Do We Know?

Sue Peters, Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC

Plenary Address 5: Learning from the Lived Experiences of Aging Immigrants

Sharon Koehn, University Research Associate and Senior Lecturer, SFU

Panel 3: Housing Challenges During Later Life: Voices of Resilience

Sarah Canham (Convener and Moderator), Chris Danielsen, Dorothy Kestle, Nicholas Wennington

Public Lecture: Resilience and Older Adults: Challenges for Individuals and Communities

Janine Wiles, Associate Professor, School of Population Health, University of Auckland


Day 2 — June 11, 2019

Plenary Address 6: Psychological Resilience in the Face of Later-Life Stress

Deborah Carr, Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, Boston University


Plenary Address 7: What is Community Resilience and How Can it be Fostered?

Janine Wiles, Associate Professor, School of Population Health, University of Auckland

Plenary Address 8: Resilience in Later Life: Metaphor and Myth or Real and Measurable?

Gill Windle, Professor of Ageing and Dementia Research, University of Bangor
