Sophie's Interview

Nadine Attewell, Global Asia Program Director, asked current student Sophie McCann about her time in the GA Program. Here is what Sophie had to say:

Something I've enjoyed about the Global Asia minor is my ability to combine language-based and social studies/arts based courses for the program requirements. I have a strong interest in learning Japanese, and since SFU does not provide majors or minors that are solely based on language learning courses, the Global Asia program allowed me to take language courses and have them count towards a minor. I also found that as my language skills progressed, I could make connections between my language and culture-based courses. For example, the cultural and historical information I learned in GA courses about Japan (GA 101, 201, 303) was often reflected in my Japanese language courses and of course came in handy when studying abroad in Japan. I could also apply my Japanese skills in my GA courses. For example, in GA 303, I based my final research project on a book I read in Japanese.

Sophie McCann is in her 4th year of studies at SFU and enrolled in the Global Asia Program.