Ray's adventures in the park!


Standing on the caldera rim, near Rim Village (August 1999) 

(Yes, snow in August!)


Striking a pose on the south rim.  (May 2000)


On the south rim still, being a complete jabroni with my spaghetti-thin arms.  (May 2000)


Joining in a snowball fight.  (May 2000)


Ray goes for a "cool" dip in the water.  (Think back to the line from the movie Titanic - ".....water so cold, it's like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.")  (August 2001)


Swimming towards Wizard Island.  (August 2001)


On the summit of Wizard Island, looking into the crater.  (August 2001)


Inside the crater of Wizard Island.  Don't look at me for too long, the brightness will blind you!  (August 2001)


I'm sick of looking at Ray.  Take me back to the main page already!!!!