Garfield Peak

Garfield Peak from the Kerr Notch area.  Photo credit: Robert and Barbara Decker

       A fantastic article on the Garfield Peak trail was published in the August, 1934 edition of "Nature Notes from Crater Lake", and it can be read in its entirety HERE.  If you're not inclined to read the whole article (though you SHOULD be!), Kettler (2003) provides a succinct summary.  He writes, "the summit (8,054 feet) stands nearly 2,000 feet above the surface of the lake — nearly twice as far above the water as the rim. It’s one of the best vantage points to orient yourself to the topography for miles in every direction.  The mountains that most folks know — McLoughlin, Shasta and Thielsen — are there to orient you while you pick out others."  The trailhead is at Rim Village.

        Click HERE to see the map!

A view from the Garfield Peak trail.  From this vantage point, one can see The Watchman, Wizard Island, and Llao Rock.   Photo credit:

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