Geog 355

GIS Technical Issue - Term Project

Location Analysis for a Dog Daycare Business in Tri-Cities





    At first, I decided to work on locating a suitable area for the homeless shelter in GVRD, but I noticed that someone else in our 355 class is working on this topic already.  And I also thought of working on locating a suitable area for a pre-school in GVRD, but there are some problems on collecting the data, as some of the pre-schools are situated in the neighborhoods,  just like the home-style ones, it is difficult to collect the information or data accurately. 

    I got no idea what I can work on afterward.  But in these few months, I am anger with my neighbor's dog about what he did on my front yard.  He drops his feces on my yard all the time, as taking my yard as his 'private washroom'.  And, of course, I should be the one who cleaned them up.  (This is an order from my mom >.< ) While cleaning up the dog feces, the third topic had come up into my mind.  Why don't I look for a suitable place for locating a dog daycare business?  As my neighbor has to work everyday, no one takes care his dog.   A dog daycare is a need for the working people who have dogs.  

    Dog owners, especially in North America, include a large number of baby boomers whose disposable income is expected to increase as their age, highly educated, may or may not married, and most likely with no or few children.  They are expected to take care of their dogs as their family members, instead of ordinary animals, and will probably spend a large portion of their disposal income toward their dogs.  Dog grooming services, daily and overnight boarding services, training services, and veterinary services will then be benefited directly from this fact, since those services should be conducted by people with trained skills. 

    Dog Daycare is one of the newest services available for dog owners and their dogs.  It is a central location where dog owners can bring their dogs to gather and play together while being supervised by experienced dog handlers.  Dog Daycare differs from Pet sitting in that the dogs are allowed to play with compatible dogs getting exercise and socialization at a location other than an owners' homes.