Data Issue



The consumer spending potential data obtained for this spatial analysis is obtained from my work place. I only take the spending of different kind of liquor and did some modification and convert them in ACCESS and EXCEL before I can use them.


The spending on liquor data is show by census tract. Since the raster image of CT (ct96) in the S: drive already has its own ID to match the demographic data in '96, I can't use it for my consumer spending potential data. Fortunately, my company has the shapefile of GVRD CT and I can do some joining in Arcview and import them to Idrisi. But it took me about a week to figure out how to do it and to do it.


For the liquor store location is lower mainland, I go to the BC liquor store website and copy all the store address and postal code. And then I put them into database file and do a join in Arcview with the LDU (Local Distribution Unit) shapefile. Convert them into another shapefile, and import to Idrisi. The copying part took me some time to copy all the store location.


For other data, I obtained them from S: drive.

I have use some census 96 data like employment rate, average income, and population of minors.


The GIS program used to perform all the analysis is Idrisi32, some of the image I used are acquired from the S: drive, such as the landuse image and ct96 image.

However, most of the image file is brought in by converting from vector file (Arcview). It is not easy to do it because of different projection and vector shapefile.


I have also tried to find some other specific social data and economic data to make the analysis more indepth. But the Canadian data is really hard to obtain, therefore, the analysis of project is not as indepth as I expected.