My name is Joanne Manuel     Welcome to my web page!


Who am I?

      I am currently a fourth year geography major student at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada.  In my spare time I love to walk my four year old beagle named Tipper, and I love to go camping with family and friends.  One of my favourite places to camp is in Osoyoos, B.C., right alongside the lake.  I enjoy all aspects of camping and the outdoors, including boating, swimming and hiking.  One day I hope to travel around the world and experience the many different cultures and countries around the globe.  Currently I am studying natural hazards in B.C, which is the basis for my project on "Where is the best place to live on Vancouver Island in the Event of an Earthquake?".

Osoyoos Lake in B.C.'s Okanagan Valley
  ~This is my favourite camping spot!~

 Peaceful boats resting at Osoyoos Lake            I would love to travel around the world!

This is my adorable dog Tipper

Geography 355 Project: Where is the Safest place to Live on Vancouver Island in the Event of a Major Earthquake?