Suitable Areas for Urban Development in the
North Shore Mountains

Project Outline:

(1) Overview and Introduction

(2) Methodology

Cartographic Models:
Boolean Overlay
Weighted Linear Combination

(3) Data Acquisition/Preparation/Manipulation
- 3.1 Data Sources
- 3.2  Acquisition of the Vector Data Layer
- 3.3 Acquisition of the Raster Data Layers
- 3.4 Data Preparation and Manipulation - Boolean Images
- 3.5 Data Preparation and Manipulation - Distance/Slope Images

(4) Spatial Analysis
- 4.1 Boolean Overlay Approach
- 4.1b Results and Comments

- 4.2 Weighted Linear Combination
- 4.2b Results and Comments

(5) Methodological and Operational Problems/Conclusion

(6) References

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