Methodological and Operational Errors

    A lot of assumptions were made during the process of this project. In collecting the data for my criteria I could have used more sources to ensure that what I got was correct. Also I could have contacted the existing golf course to find out more about their situation than relying on hearsay. In doing so this project could have been more useful and could even help in the decision making process that the club will be making. More data may have been available from municipalities of where they have land designated for such purposes and zoning laws. Another idea would be to take the project further and see if the the site that I have chosen is actually for sale and about what processes would be required to use the land for a golf course.

    I was worried when I started my project that perhaps my criteria was not narrow enough and that I would come up with too many areas, but I was surprised to only find 2 that actually fit. In this idea of fit, I could have looked into how much each site actually fit my criteria. As an addition to the project I thought of doing a marketing analysis to see how far people would travel to a new course or would they just become members of some other course that is close to the existing one and there are several located nearby. This addition is not exactly GIS related but would give some depth and relevance and may deem my project unnecessary.

    I had thought about creating two least cost pathways for a road and a power line but then realized that it may not be possible as I would have to assume friction values that may not be correct and judging from other people's attempts they were also not very effective (Kim Newman's project 00-3).

    Rasterization of the the WATER, RIVER and ALLROADS images lost some data in the conversion and could take away from the accuracy of the project. Since the WATER and RIVER images were rasterized this may have also affected the buffer images that were created from them. There may have been some error in creating the SLOPEPERCENT image from the DEMLM image as the SLOPE module required a conversion factor and which I used as 1 which may have not been correct.

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