
Africa is a less-developed country, except South Africa, and locates in a large range of latitude and longitude. As primary resources are the bases in African economy, any economic activities related to vegetation such as agriculture clear cutting and logging can largely help African economic development, if the continental vegetation is accurately used. To determine the suitability for specific vegetation’s growth, soil textures and characteristics, temperature, precipitation, and erosions by natural agents such as water and wind are examined.

         This project’s objective was to show how the above elements influence the soils and where are suitable for what specific vegetation grow in Africa. Distributions of different soil textures, the influences of the elements, and my proposed vegetation growth can directly or indirectly provide some indications of what climatic elements are lacked or enough and what artificial elements can be added to fill up the lacks for people to do advanced analysis for certain areas.

My interest for this project is that Africa is a mysterious continent for me and many people living in Africa have been facing the lack of food. Usually, negative news are associated with this continent. In this time, enough data that were useful for my project were offered in SIS drive; hence, I wanted to use this opportunity to build up more knowledge of Africa.


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