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Vine Maple Researchers
Vine maple researchers and projects...

Dr. Margaret Schmidt and Dr. Ken Lertzman, Simon Fraser University.
What is the impact of vine maple in Pacific coastal forests? see research summary

Eva Boehringer Simon Fraser University.
What is the spatial extent to which vine maple affects certain physical and chemical soil properties in a coniferous old-growth forest stand?
see research summary

Judit Gaspar, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Where does vine maple grow, and why there? 
see research summary

Natalie Tashe, Simon Fraser University, 1998
How does vine maple influence nutrient cycling in coastal forests?
see research summary

Chad Wardman, Simon Fraser University, 1997
What is the growth response of conifers around vine maple priority gaps?
see research summary

Aynslie Ogden, Simon Fraser University, 1996
What are the soil characteristics of persistent canopy opening occupied by vine maple?
see research summary

Rachel McGhee, Simon Fraser University, 1996
What is the demography and persistence of vine maple in a conifer dominated forest?
see research summary

Mary O'Dea, Oregon State University, 1992
How does the clonal development of vine maple change during stand development?
see research summary

David Russell, Oregon State University, 1973
What is the life history of vine maple in a coniferous forest?
see research summary

Howard Anderson, Oregon State University, 1967
What is the phytosociology of vine maple communities?
see research summary

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